Tuesday, September 21, 2010

37 weeks-Full Term

I am truly full-term now and sitting at 37 weeks pregnant! It is crazy to think that she could come any day, if she chose to do so.

My doctor's appointment on Friday went all right. My cervix is closed but she said that it is soft and can tell Baby Girl is right in position. Of course my pelvic bone/muscles could have told you that for the past 2 months. I asked her how long she will let me go over and she said 10 days at the most...so that would be Oct 20. I let her know that didn't work for me so we needed to find a different solution. She laughed and said that we can discuss things at 39 weeks. If I am dialated and things are good she will break my water. If I am not she will not. I am fine with this, I don't really want to be induced at 39 weeks with a closed cervix. That would tell me that my body (and baby girl) are definitely not ready for delivery.

Yet, I am ready for her to be here and to be done being pregnant. I am having a horrible time getting comfortable at night and just laying around in general. I look forward to moving around without pain.

Last week-end we did nothing, literally. Corey played NHL on Playstation for most of the day on Friday and part of the day Saturday. Then of course Sunday is the day the NFL has made..so we were captured by the pig skin. We bopped around town on Saturday to get out of the house but other than that I haven't felt up to doing anything. It's not only exhaustion it is just feeling comfortable enough to want to see others as well.

Classes are over for now but will resume Oct 4. For all those critical thinkers out there..yes that means I am starting classes before my due date and during my maternity leave. They are "easier" classes and therefore I am not too worried about it. I am sure I will be upset come Thanksgiving but if I didn't push my time management/procrastination skills then it just wouldn't be me.

Next update: sometime after Friday's appointment


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